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August 27, 2024

Cayman Foundations for Token Issuance & Web 3


Introduction to Cayman Foundations for Token Issuance & Web 3

The rise of blockchain technology and decentralized finance (DeFi) has brought new opportunities and challenges for businesses and organizations operating in the Web 3 space.

As these entities grow, the need for robust legal structures that can support their global operations has become increasingly important. Cayman foundations have emerged as a popular solution for token issuance & web 3, offering a flexible and efficient legal framework that aligns with the decentralized nature of many blockchain projects.

Cayman foundation companies, introduced under the Cayman Islands Foundation Companies Act, 2017, provide a unique blend of features from both trusts and companies. They offer the separate legal personality and limited liability of a company, combined with the ability to operate without shareholders, making them particularly suitable for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and other blockchain-based entities seeking to manage the conflict between token community interests and shareholder interests.

This guide explores why Cayman foundations are becoming the go-to choice for token issuance structures and Web 3 projects, detailing their structure, advantages, and the key considerations involved.

In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain, the structure and governance of decentralized projects are crucial for their success. The need for entities that can legally hold assets, enter into contracts, and interact with traditional financial systems while maintaining the principles of decentralization has led to the increasing use of Cayman foundations. These entities not only provide the legal recognition needed for blockchain projects to operate globally but also offer a high level of flexibility that can be tailored to the specific needs of any project.

Moreover, as regulatory scrutiny on blockchain and cryptocurrency projects intensifies worldwide, the choice of jurisdiction becomes more critical. The Cayman Islands, with its well-established financial services industry, favorable regulatory environment, and strong legal system, presents an attractive option for entities involved in the blockchain, crypto and Web 3 space. This article will delve into the various aspects of Cayman foundations, providing a comprehensive guide to their use in the blockchain space.

Why Choose Cayman Islands for Token Issuance?

The Cayman Islands have long been recognized as a leading jurisdiction for financial services, and this reputation extends to the blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors. Several factors make the Cayman Islands an attractive choice for Web 3 business models, token issuance and other blockchain-related activities, from its robust legal framework to its favorable tax regime.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

The Cayman Islands benefit from a legal system based on English common law, which is widely recognized and respected worldwide. This legal foundation provides businesses with a high degree of certainty and predictability, which is essential for long-term planning and operations. Additionally, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) oversees the implementation of the VASP Act and other financial regulations, ensuring that the jurisdiction remains compliant with international standards.

The Virtual Assets (Service Providers) Act (VASP Act) has provided a clear regulatory framework for businesses operating in the blockchain space, identifying which activities sit within the purview of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority and which do not. Whilst public sales of newly created virtual assets require registration under the VASP act, private sales to a limited number of persons may not. A Cayman Foundation may also be combined with a separate token issuance entity, such as in neighboring British Virgin Islands.

Political and Economic Stability

In addition to its legal framework, the Cayman Islands offer a stable political and economic environment, which is crucial for businesses looking to issue tokens or engage in other blockchain-related activities. The jurisdiction has a long history of political stability, with a well-established system of government and a strong rule of law. This stability is further supported by the Cayman Islands’ status as a British Overseas Territory, which provides additional security and reassurance to businesses and investors.

Economically, the Cayman Islands are home to one of the world’s largest financial services industries, with a significant presence of international banks, investment funds, and other financial institutions. This economic strength, combined with a favorable regulatory environment, makes the Cayman Islands a leading choice for businesses in the blockchain space. The jurisdiction’s advanced financial infrastructure also supports the efficient operation of blockchain projects, providing access to a wide range of financial services and expertise.

Tax Benefits

The Cayman Islands are well-known for their favorable tax regime, which offers significant benefits to businesses operating in the blockchain space. There are no corporate, capital gains, income, or withholding taxes on profits earned outside the jurisdiction, making the Cayman Islands an attractive location for token issuance and other blockchain activities. Whilst onshore tax positions must be considered with advisors, this tax neutrality allows businesses to optimize their financial position and reinvest in their operations, without the burden of high tax liabilities which are often a consequence of the volatility of token holdings.

Structure and Functionality of Cayman Foundation Companies

Cayman foundation companies are designed to offer a high degree of flexibility and functionality, making them well-suited for a wide range of blockchain and Web 3 projects. At their core, these entities provide the benefits of a corporate structure—such as legal personality and limited liability—without the traditional constraints associated with shareholder ownership.

Legal Personality and Limited Liability

One of the key features of Cayman foundation companies is their ability to operate as a separate legal entity, with the same legal personality as a corporation. This means that the foundation can enter into contracts, hold assets, and sue or be sued in its own name. This legal personality is essential for blockchain projects, which often need to interact with traditional financial systems and legal frameworks. By operating as a separate legal entity, the foundation can protect its assets and operations from personal liabilities of stakeholders.

Limited liability also allows the foundation to take on more significant risks, such as entering into complex financial arrangements or engaging in token issuance, without exposing contributors to personal liability.

Governance Structures: Directors, Supervisors, and Secretary Roles

The governance structure of a Cayman foundation is another key aspect that makes it well-suited for blockchain projects. Unlike traditional companies, which are typically established with shareholders, a Cayman foundation can operate without members or shareholders. Instead, the foundation is governed by a board of directors, who are responsible for managing the foundation’s affairs and ensuring that it operates in accordance with its governing documents.

The directors of a Cayman foundation have significant flexibility in how they manage the foundation’s operations, including the ability to delegate certain powers or activities to committees. Supervisors can be appointed, as individuals or committees, and they have the authority to monitor the directors’ activities and take action if necessary. This governance structure allows the foundation to operate with a high degree of autonomy, while still maintaining accountability and oversight.

In addition to directors and supervisors, a Cayman foundation must also appoint a secretary, who is responsible for maintaining the foundation’s records and ensuring compliance with local laws. The secretary must be a qualified person licensed under the Cayman Islands Companies Management Act, and their office serves as the registered office of the foundation. The secretary’s role is critical in ensuring that the foundation meets its legal obligations and operates in accordance with its governing documents.

Flexibility in Establishment and Operations

One of the most significant advantages of Cayman foundation companies is their flexibility in both establishment and operations. The process of incorporating a Cayman foundation is straightforward and can be completed within a number of weeks, allowing blockchain projects to quickly establish a legal entity and begin operations. There are no minimum capital requirements for establishing a foundation, and the foundation can be set up with a single director or multiple directors, depending on the needs of the project.

Once established, Cayman foundation companies offer a high degree of flexibility in their operations. The foundation’s governing documents, such as its articles and by-laws, can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the project. This allows the foundation to operate in a manner that aligns with the project’s goals and objectives, whether that involves managing token issuance, overseeing decentralized finance activities, or holding assets for a DAO.

Additionally, the absence of shareholders or members means that the foundation can operate without the constraints of traditional corporate governance. This ownerless structure allows the foundation to focus on its mission and objectives, without the influence of external stakeholders. This level of autonomy is particularly valuable for blockchain projects, which often prioritize decentralization and community-driven decision-making.

The Role of Cayman Foundations in Web 3

The evolution of Web 3 technologies has brought forth new ways of organizing and operating decentralized projects, particularly through Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). Cayman foundations have quickly become a favored vehicle for these projects due to their unique ability to provide a legal framework that supports decentralization. The absence of shareholders in a foundation company allows it to mirror the decentralized and community-driven nature of DAOs, making it an ideal legal structure for Web 3 initiatives.

Integrating with Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) represent a fundamental shift in how organizations are structured and governed. Unlike traditional organizations, which are typically governed by a centralized authority, DAOs operate through smart contracts and community-driven decision-making. However, despite their decentralized nature, DAOs often require a legal entity to interact with traditional financial systems and comply with regulatory requirements. This is where Cayman foundations come into play.

Cayman foundations can provide a legal wrapper for DAOs, or act as a service provider to the DAO, allowing them to operate within a recognized legal framework while maintaining their decentralized ethos. The foundation can hold assets, enter into contracts, and manage the DAO’s operations in a manner that aligns with the community’s decisions. This legal structure not only provides the DAO with legal recognition but may also protect its members from personal liability. By using a Cayman foundation, DAOs can achieve a balance between decentralization and legal protection, enabling them to operate more effectively in the global marketplace.

Supporting Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Projects

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is another area where Cayman foundations play a critical role. DeFi projects involve the creation of decentralized financial systems, such as lending platforms, decentralized exchanges, and stablecoins, that operate without the need for traditional financial intermediaries. However, like DAOs, DeFi projects often require a legal entity to interact with traditional systems, such as website hosting and server infrastructure for front ends and administrative support services, or payment of contractors such as developers and consultants.

Cayman foundations provide the ideal legal structure for DeFi projects, allowing them to operate within a recognized legal framework while maintaining their decentralized nature. The foundation can hold assets, support the project’s operations, and enter into contracts on behalf of the DeFi project. This legal structure not only provides the DeFi project with legal recognition but may also protect its developers and participants from personal liability. Consideration must be given to the Virtual Asset Service Provider regulations, and a Cayman Foundation may be a part within a broader structure that contributes to the various components of a decentralised finance arrangement.

Applications in Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and the Metaverse

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and the Metaverse represent the next frontier of Web 3 innovation, and Cayman foundations are well-positioned to support projects in these emerging areas. NFTs are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a specific item or piece of content, such as digital art, collectibles, or virtual real estate. The Metaverse, on the other hand, refers to a virtual world where users can interact, create, and trade digital assets, often using blockchain technology and NFTs as the underlying infrastructure.

Whilst Economic substance regulations require a careful analysis of the Foundations activities and financial flows, Cayman foundations can provide a flexible legal structure for managing and governing NFT projects and Metaverse initiatives. The foundation can act as the legal owner of NFTs, manage the distribution of secondary market royalties, and oversee the development of virtual real estate and other assets within the Metaverse. This legal structure allows NFT creators and Metaverse developers to focus on their creative endeavors while ensuring that their projects are legally recognized and protected.

Token Issuance through Cayman Foundations

Token issuance is a critical aspect of many blockchain projects, particularly in the Web 3 space. Cayman foundations provide an effective legal structure for issuing tokens, whether for initial coin offerings (ICOs), security token offerings (STOs), or other types of token sales, either directly, or in combination with a token issuance SPV.

The Process of Token Issuance

Issuing tokens through a Cayman foundation involves several key steps, each of which must be carefully managed to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. The first step is to establish the foundation, which involves filing the necessary documents with the Cayman Islands Registrar of Companies and appointing the foundation’s directors, supervisors, and secretary.

With the foundation established and its governing documents in place, the next step is to develop the token’s technical specifications, such as its smart contract, tokenomics, and distribution plan. This process typically involves working with blockchain developers and legal advisors to ensure that the token is designed in a manner that complies with laws and regulations, particularly the VASP Act. Once the token’s technical specifications have been finalized, the foundation can proceed with the token issuance, which may involve conducting an IDO, IEO or other type of token sale.

Throughout the token issuance process, it is essential to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations, particularly those related to anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) requirements. This typically involves conducting due diligence on potential token buyers, verifying their identities, and ensuring that the funds used to purchase the tokens are not derived from illegal activities. By complying with these requirements, the foundation can minimize the risk of legal challenges and ensure that the token issuance is conducted in a transparent and compliant manner.

Regulatory Considerations under the Virtual Assets (Service Providers) Act (VASP Act)

The Virtual Assets (Service Providers) Act (VASP Act) is a critical piece of legislation that governs the operation of virtual asset service providers in the Cayman Islands, including those involved in token issuance. The VASP Act sets out the requirements for registering and operating as a virtual asset service provider, as well as the obligations related to AML and KYC compliance. For blockchain projects looking to issue tokens through a Cayman foundation, it is essential to understand and comply with the VASP Act to ensure that the token issuance is conducted in a legally compliant manner.

Under the VASP Act, virtual asset service providers are required to register with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) and obtain a license to operate. This registration process involves submitting detailed information about the foundation’s operations, governance structure, and the specific activities it will be involved in, such as token issuance. Once registered, the foundation must comply with ongoing obligations, such as filing regular reports with CIMA and ensuring that its operations continue to comply with the VASP Act.

In addition to registration and licensing requirements, the VASP Act also imposes specific obligations related to AML and KYC compliance. This includes conducting due diligence on potential token buyers, verifying their identities, and monitoring transactions for suspicious activity. By complying with these requirements, the foundation can ensure that its token issuance is conducted in a manner that minimizes the risk of legal challenges and regulatory scrutiny.

Economic Substance Requirements

In addition to the VASP Act and SIBA, Cayman foundations must also comply with the economic substance requirements that apply to certain entities operating in the Cayman Islands. The economic substance regime was introduced in response to international efforts to combat tax evasion and ensure that entities operating in low-tax jurisdictions like the Cayman Islands have sufficient economic activity and presence in the jurisdiction.

Under the economic substance regime, certain entities, including those engaged in relevant activities such as fund management, banking, insurance, and intellectual property business, are required to demonstrate that they have sufficient economic substance in the Cayman Islands. This may include maintaining a physical office, employing staff, and conducting core income-generating activities in the jurisdiction.

For Cayman foundations involved in token issuance or other blockchain-related activities, it is essential to determine whether they are subject to the economic substance requirements and, if so, to ensure compliance. This may involve establishing a physical presence in the Cayman Islands, employing staff, and conducting core income-generating activities in the jurisdiction. By complying with the economic substance requirements, Cayman foundations can ensure that they operate in a legally compliant manner.

Navigating International Regulations

In addition to complying with local laws and regulations in the Cayman Islands, project founders must also consider the international regulatory landscape and how it may impact their project. Blockchain projects often have a global reach, with participants and investors from multiple jurisdictions. As a result, it is essential to consider how the project’s activities may be regulated in other jurisdictions and ensure that the foundation complies with all applicable laws.

This may involve obtaining legal advice in multiple jurisdictions to ensure that the foundation’s operations comply with local laws, particularly those related to token issuance, securities regulations, and AML/KYC requirements. For example, if the foundation plans to issue tokens to investors in the United States, it may need to comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations and ensure that the tokens are not classified as securities.

By carefully navigating the international regulatory landscape, project founders can ensure that their Cayman foundation operates in a legally compliant manner and minimizes the risk of legal challenges or penalties. This not only protects the foundation and its stakeholders but also enhances its credibility and legitimacy in the global marketplace.


DAO Case Study

One notable example is a DAO that utilized a Cayman foundation to handle its governance and operational needs. By establishing a foundation, the DAO was able to gain legal recognition, enter into contracts, and manage its treasury assets without compromising its decentralized ethos. The foundation’s structure allowed the DAO to operate in a compliant manner, protecting its developers and community members from potential legal liabilities.

The DAO’s foundation was governed by a board of directors, who were responsible for managing the foundation’s operations and ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations. The directors were guided by the community’s decisions, which were implemented through the foundation’s governing documents and smart contract voting. This governance structure allowed the DAO to maintain its decentralized nature while still operating within a recognized legal framework.

In addition to governance, the foundation also managed the DAO’s treasury assets, ensuring that they were held securely and used in accordance with the community’s decisions. The foundation’s legal personality allowed it to enter into contracts with third parties, such as developers, service providers and treasury asset managers to manage the DAO’s operations in a transparent and compliant manner. This legal structure provided the DAO with the flexibility and security needed to operate effectively in the global marketplace.

Cayman Islands vs. British Virgin Islands

The Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands (BVI) are both popular jurisdictions for blockchain projects, offering favorable legal and regulatory environments and strong financial services industries.

It is often a case of Cayman Islands + British Virgin Islands rather than Cayman Islands vs British Virgin Islands. The Cayman Islands Foundation product is highly unique and an excellent fit for many blockchain and web 3 projects, however certain activities such as Decentralized Exchanges or Public Token issuances may be challenging to conduct via the Foundation directly. A combination of the Cayman Foundation with a BVI company or companies, such as for token issuance, may provide more flexibility and a faster route to market.

Which Jurisdiction is Best for Your Project?

Choosing the best jurisdiction for your blockchain project is a critical decision that will impact the project’s legal structure, regulatory compliance, and long-term success. When evaluating different jurisdictions, project founders should consider factors such as the legal and regulatory environment, tax efficiency, cost considerations, and access to financial services and expertise.

The Cayman Islands offer a compelling combination of benefits, including a well-established legal framework, favorable tax environment, and a strong financial services industry. The introduction of the VASP Act provides clear guidelines for virtual asset service providers, ensuring that projects can operate with legal certainty and predictability. Additionally, the absence of corporate, income, or capital gains taxes on profits earned outside the jurisdiction makes the Cayman Islands an attractive choice for projects looking to maximize their profits and reinvest in their operations.

However, other jurisdictions such as the British Virgin Islands and Bermuda also offer unique advantages that may be suitable for certain projects. The BVI is known for its flexible corporate structures and lower costs, while Bermuda offers a comprehensive regulatory framework for digital assets and a high degree of legal certainty.

Ultimately, the best jurisdiction for your project will depend on your specific needs and priorities. By carefully evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of each jurisdiction, and working with experienced legal and compliance advisors, you can choose the best location to establish your foundation and set your project up for long-term success.

Emerging Trends in DAO and DeFi Governance

A key emerging trend is the growing use of Cayman foundations in the governance of DAOs and decentralized protocols. As DAOs become more complex and handle larger amounts of assets, the need for a legal structure that can provide stability and accountability is becoming more pressing. Cayman foundations, with their ability to operate without shareholders and their strong legal protections, are well-positioned to meet this need.

We’re seeking many established projects which launched a number of years ago with structures in other jurisdictions, now exploring the implementation of a second iteration of their corporate structure to support decentralization objectives with substantial interest in the Cayman Islands foundation to support this.


Cayman foundations offer a powerful and flexible legal framework that is ideally suited to the needs of Web 3 and crypto projects. With their ability to operate without shareholders, their robust legal personality, and the favorable regulatory environment of the Cayman Islands, these entities provide a solid foundation for decentralized projects to thrive.

Whether you are involved in token issuance, DeFi, NFTs, or other blockchain-based activities, a Cayman foundation can offer the legal structure and protection you need to succeed. By carefully navigating the regulatory landscape and working with experienced service providers, you can ensure that your project is set up for long-term success in the rapidly evolving world of Web 3.

Cavenwell is highly familiar with these structures having supported some of the largest protocols and projects implement their international legal structures. Get in touch if you’d like to discuss this further.

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